The following are organisations that have recognised and supported our efforts for which we are very grateful.
Quite simply, The Ship Inn would not be up and running without the help of The Plunkett Foundation. They have advised us and guided us from the outset and opened doors to help us access funds.
The Foundation was set up in 1919 by Sir Horace Plunkett. He believed strongly in the power of co-operation to achieve sustainable local development and the purpose of the Foundation was to promote the model of community ownership as a solution to rural problems.
The focus of the Foundation has varied over the intervening years as needs have arisen – from agriculture to shops, woodlands and pubs. This has included working with, and advising, Government on such matters as the Localism Act 2012. The central aim has always been to help local communities survive and thrive.
The More Than A Pub (MTAP) programme was run by the Plunkett Foundation with funding from Power to Change and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. It directly led to the creation of 60 new community-owned pubs.
The programme closed in 2021 and we were (probably) the last applicants, receiving the maximum grant available of £50,000. We could not have bought the pub without this grant because, whilst we had raised enough funds to pay the agreed price, there were additional costs such as Stamp Duty Land Tax, legal fees, etc. We also needed funds to decorate, prepare and restock the pub ready for opening.
The More Than A Pub (MTAP) programme also gave us access to a £50,000 loan from The Key Fund which provides finance to enterprises that make a positive impact and tackle social issues in the heart of their communities. They reinvest profits back into helping other community and social enterprises.
This loan was also essential when buying the pub as over £70,000 VAT was payable on completion. The VAT was recoverable and has been repaid which has enabled us to use the loan as working capital. It will also give the CBS freedom to make capital investments e.g. the shop and refurbishments.
In November 2021 we received a £600 grant from Tendring District Council sourced by Councillor Dan land. This is to be used for bringing the community together, particularly post Covid. A small amount was used to provide refreshments after carol singing in December. A substantial proportion remains available for future community events.
Essex Rural Fund have given us £4,000 to be used for development work and volunteer training. This comprises £3,000 to be used to make the premises safer and more comfortable for customers and volunteers, and £1,000 for volunteer training.
Hopkins Homes build houses in East Anglia.
Our support from Hopkins Homes has been twofold: firstly they have paid for a replacement cooker (£1,000), and secondly they are sponsoring the provision of advice to us by The Plunkett Foundation.
The Ship Inn can host group events within the main bar area, and if you are looking to organise catering for any occasion, be that a special birthday or anniversary or to celebrate the life of a loved one, please fill out the form provided on the contact page.